
Homemade liquid laundry detergent

By | 12/02/2014 2 comments

I couple of months ago I made my first homemade laundry liquid detergent and it works very well. The recipe is fast enough and very cheap. You can have 5 liters of good household liquid soap  with less than one dollar!

500 gr  of bar soap
5 liters of hot tap water
1 ladle
1 funnel
1 cheese grater
1 5 liters container
3 spoon of baking soda

Grate the soap in a bowl and add 3 spoons of backing soda and 1 liter of hot water, than mix with a ladle than gradually add 2 more liters of hot water; let the mixture stand for 1 day shaking occasionally to facilitate the mix. After a day you will have a gel so put it into a container and fill it with warm water: your soap is done.  For a medium dirty laundry I use one cup and a half.
Needless to say, this recipe is really very easy and cheap. Have you tried this soap or have you another magic recipe? Let me know.

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